Thursday, April 01, 2010

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

H1N1, when will it end?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

On-Site Computer Rescue and Repair

I absolutely stand behind my work. You will be satisfied with any and all service you receive from me and my company. Heartland On-Site Services
913.449.7121 serving the entire Kansas City Metropolitan Area. We offer great rates and even better Service Agreements. Email me to find out.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tree Removal

I had two river birch trees removed today (4/15), I didn't realise how much of the view was being obstructed.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jacob Turns 2

Wow, time just flies by, I little man is now two.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Emily reaches 5

She is so excited about going to Kindergarten this fall. I think she is ready since she already has had 2 yrs of preschool. She is such a smarty.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My 10yr Anniversary

Jen and I are now married for 10 yrs. Amazed? No, not at the time, but how fun and fast the time has progressed. She is still the most amazing woman I have ever met. In August I will have known and been with her for .... 17 years.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Katy makes it to 13

Katy hits the 13 mark. I wonder how she will handle it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New MSN Messenger ID

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Emilys first day at school. Today, Tuesday Jan 22, 2007, Age 3.

She did not shed one tear, I can not say the same for me.

Joseph Dix

Sunday, December 02, 2007

New employer

I now work for Heartland On-Site Services, a truely local Kansas City company that provides computer rescue and repair services to area homes and businesses. Call me at 913.449.7121 or visit the website at

Thursday, June 28, 2007

U-Verse installed today.

Here is my speed test.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Update - Major: hadababy-itsaboy

My last post referred to the early indications of a boy. Well here we are and the absolute truth has been shown to us. Saturday Mar 24 2007 is celebrated with the birth of my first son Jacob weighing in at 8 lbs and 12oz.
Over the last week, since his birth, I have been missing more sleep than I thought I could do without, but not nearly as much as Jennifer. Katy and Emily are taking the new arrival well, which is always good. So far, I was say that most of the time, he is just like Emily, very low key and easy going.
At just five days old he had completely regained his birth-weight plus an ounce.
I could not be happier.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

It's a boy

Yes, it's true on Halloween 2006 Jen and I were told that our new baby would be a boy. Wow, this is so exciting. I can hardly contain my excitement. Names, hmmm. I always thought that a III would be nice, but I am not convinced that it would be our finest choice.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Finally made the last trip.

We have completed our move. Wow, that is something I do NOT want to do again. I think I would rather sell everything I own and start over in an empty house. But anyway, now the other hard part, unpacking and organizing. Make me wish I had a dumpster. We, thanks to Vonage we were able to keep our really cool and somewhat attached to phone number. More to come. - Joe

Friday, August 11, 2006

Closing Time

Closing time on our house, one week from today. I can hardly wait!


We are expecting. Due late March 2007.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Were Moving

Everything is on track to have our house sold and the new one purchased come Aug 20. We have started packing and purging. Wow we have a lot of junk.

My camping weekend at Stockton Lake State Park in Missouri was a nice. It is a nice park and very nice lake. -Joe

Friday, July 21, 2006

What a couple of weeks.

Alot has happened in the last two weeks, some I can talk about and some I will hold on until a more appropriate time. We are looking at moving, more details before the end of the month.

Got a nice little camping trip lined up this weekend at Stockton Lake SP in Missouri, and now that the weather has finally broke, looks like highs in the mid-80's and lows in the mid-60's. Who could ask for better weather.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Absent minded...

Today I seemed a little absent minded. I seemed to be forgetting things over the last 5 days but I can't remember why. Never anything major, just small stuff that causes myself some minor inconviences. Oh well. Maybe I have a lot on my mind / plate. Btw- We are house hunting.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Back to

I was, for a short time (6 months) using as my preferred blogging location, but after 6 months, all I was getting was junk! is a pile of crap, I am sure the initial idea was grand, but without appropriate safeguards it has turned into another perverted black den on the internet. I should be scrapped and maybe, I said maybe, restarted anew.

2/26/2006 - Need a radio?

Well, during my pursuit of personal knowledge, I learned how to map to streaming radio. You can see and use my exploits here at All of these radio stations are normally available online without a password or any such protection. I have simply made some of my favorites and some I would like to hear often available in a single location. At the bottom of the page you will notice two things. One is that if you have a favorite online station (window media player broadcast) let me know and I just might add it to the list. The second is that you now have the ability to randomly send me money via Just click on the paypal button and set the quanity, it is in increments of $2.50, i.e. Quanity 10 would send me $25.00, and that would be cool. Later all. ~joe

Monday, December 26, 2005

Need a Radio?

Well, during my pursuit of personal knowledge, I learned how to map to streaming radio. You can see and use my exploits here at All of these radio stations are normally available online without a password or any such protection. I have simply made some of my favorites and some I would like to hear often available in a single location. At the bottom of the page you will notice two things. One is that if you have a favorite online station (window media player broadcast) let me know and I just might add it to the list. The second is that you now have the ability to randomly send me money via Just click on the paypal button and set the quanity, it is in increments of $2.50, i.e. Quanity 10 would send me $25.00, and that would be cool.
Later all. ~joe

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Busy on the new bathroom.

Pulled an allnighter last night. Got some good work done.
Ready to lay all the flooring.
Ready to tile the shower.
Ready to install the sink and toilet.
busy busy busy...

I am tired.

Pictures to follow soon.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Christmas 2005

Wow. What a bunch of cuties!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


During rush hour! A person, that could have been a woman was driving a White Toyota Tacoma, Kansas tag number VSV464 on I-35 northbound in the left through traffic lane while I was in far left exit only lane, she did not have her signal on and proceeded to flip me the bird. She then accelerated rapidly and at the last moment swerved into the exit lane, causing no less than 4 cars to break rapidly to prevent a collision. Now on I-635 northbound she then proceeded to tailgate anyone in front of her. Then nearing her next exit, I-70 westbound, she swerved into the left exit lane causing the SUV behind her to veer out into the center lane. However, there was still at least ½ mile until the exit and she was now stuck behind a slow exiting car and next to SUV she just cutoff. The SUV proceeded at normal highway speeds until it had overtaken the slower exiting car with plenty of room and re-entered the exit lane. The three exited onto I-70 westbound. There the SUV and car merged into the center lane, and she again accelerated past the SUV then swerved in front of it and slammed her brakes. The SUV then braked suddenly to avoid a collision. She then changed to the outside lane and waited until the last possible second to veer onto the exit ramp at 57th Street.

This person does not deserve a driver’s license or a vehicle. Her actions put countless people in harms way just so she could get to her destination a few seconds earlier.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Movie Maker - novice extreme!

Yesterday and today I learned how to make DVD's from my DV Camcorder and assorted pictures. I also learned how to embed video to a webpage (i.e. it is silly but still fun. I wonder if I should create a webtoon...

Friday, September 16, 2005

Concrete is poured...

After testing the pipes for leeks and what-not, I was ready mix (by hand) and pour the concrete, just think.. all that work to make a hole just to fill it up again. At least now I can start making some visible progress and not so much behind or should I say ... under the scenes.

A couple of days after this pic I finished all the water supply pipes.

Next stage. Design and build the floor and shower base.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Plumbing is in...

A week or so after the mass destruction of my basement floor, I was able to fit and set the piping.
So far so good.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Destruct-O Day

AM- I hope to Jack-Hammer a hole in the basement floor for a new (and much needed) bathroom.

PM- It all seem to go reasonably well. This is that after shot.

I will add a backwater prevention vavle to the system.

Updates to follow.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Started riding on 8/8/05 to improve my health. Traveled 26.7 miles so far this month. Feels good when it is done hurting. I have enclosed a picture of my bike. I hope to post my progress soon to my website.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


... Family - good Katy is getting ready for the 5th grade and is pretty exicted.
Emily is growing up wonderfully, she is so cute!
Jenn has conquered any extra preggo pounds that attacked her.
I am about the same, no luck on any weight loss - yet. ( I got another plan.)
Also thinking about joining the YMCA w/ the family.

... Work - It is going well, although we are not as busy as I would hope.

... Religon - Jen and Katy are looking to be baptized.

... Man it has been hot outside!

Started a new group site on yahoo where my family, all of them, can keep track of each other.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Been a while... here's an update!

Sorry it has been so long.... Updates...
Family: Emily is doing super, she is almost 13 months old. Walks and plays jokes, you can see her 1st Birthday pic at Katy is doing good too, she loves the addition, and anything Katy does, Emily just cracks up about.
Work, Just after Emily's birth (2 days in fact) Kerry Sweet Ingredients fired me for not being at work (at the time of Emily's birth). So begins the task of looking for work. Update, In mid March 2004, I was hired by Geeks on Call (super deal), and now it has been a year and all is going well.
Personal, It is hard to find quality time when you have a newborn...
Religon, Back to church and it feels good.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

She is home....

Baby Emily arrived at home from the hospital today, just past noon. Oh, so beautiful.
- Proud Papa Joe

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

She is so beatiful...

The most beautiful baby I had ever seen. Truely a gift from heaven. See for yourself Emily's Site

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

She has arrived....

Baby Emily arrived today amid the cheers of her adoring fans....
Details:Feb 17, 2004 @ 12:17pm
7 lbs, 5 oz. 22 inches long. Bright eyed girl.
Her website is

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

No baby... YET.

Well today was the due date, doc says she is doing fine. Keep tabs on what is going on and we will plan to induce maybe Monday evening (Feb 16, 2004).

My finger is doing better, Yeah for pain meds.-joe

Wednesday, February 04, 2004


Well today, I managed to break a finger (middle finger on my left hand), I will try to get a pic of it. Anyway, I was cutting some 3" by 2.75" by .5" plastic on a table saw at work, and a piece of the plastic caught the far end of the blade, and rode it to the front where it bounced off the table and smacked into the end of my finger, it glanced off and continued across the room. The impact was excruciating, it split my finger nail, thus ripping apart the nail bed, (this caused uncontrolled bleeding) matching the nail split was a break in the fingers bone. It looked as if the bone had been shoved back a millimeter or so (via the X-Rays), but man did it hurt. To control the bleeding, the Doc, drilled two holes into my finger nail and stitched from the nail to the end of the finger and back across the nail split in order to hold the split together so the bleeding would stop. This proved to be an incredably painful solution but it did work. Doc says bone will heal in 8 - 10 weeks. The Acetaminophen 3 with Codine only takes the edge off, I still have lots of pain. -joe

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Super Bowl Sunday... XXXVIII

Today is "the big game" seems that it is over-hyped, making the local news is a storm that is supposed to drop 10 inches of snow and / or ice on Kansas City, but now that has appeared to drop to 2-4 inches as the storms center has pushed further West dumping it's load in central Kansas on it's way to Chicago. mmm, Lunch time... I want BLT and Tomato soup... later. -joe

Saturday, January 31, 2004

Any day now...

Well wifey is really pregnant, and although she is due between Feb. 5 and Feb. 10 doc will allow her to go as far as Feb. 17. She appears ready, but there are some more things to do around the house. However, motivation is lacking on my part. So we will see what happens.

Today also had seen visits from my father Joe, and her parents Rick and Kathy, Papa Joe was still feeling under the weather so he did not stay too long. Rick and Kathy stayed, we ordered pizza (GodFathers, OH YEAH!) and played Cranium, a game my dear sister, Jennifer, and her husband ,Ryan,got us for Christmas, we love it, and all of us had a good time (except that wifey and Kathy won BOTH games).

I will probably watch some or all of the Super Bowl XXXVIII but I don't really care who wins. -joe

Thursday, January 29, 2004

New Career?

Well today concluded with an interview, and continuing background check. The interview lasted 2.5 hrs, I would have to say it went well. I am excited and pray that everything turns out not only the way I want them too, but how GOD wills them too. -joe

Monday, January 26, 2004

Wow, what a week.

It has been a very busy week, and I have begun my weight loss program. "They" say I i sould lose nearly 105 lbs. Me I would be happy with 50, but my personal goal weight is 200. I do have broad muscular shoulders. So we will see what happens. BTW, I am participating in the Discovery Health Challenge, which is a 12 week program to teach ourselfs to eat better, excersice and focus on loosing the weight instead of the "Diet". Mine is more less food more often. I eat 5 meals a day consisting of smaller portions with focus on less fat and carbs only when I require them. So far I feel better and am less hungry during the day. So my stats are here, I weighed about 280 lbs. But today at the gym I weighed in at 272, good news. I worked out primarily cardio, then to some specific muscle groups. I feel great, with plenty of energy, and of course a positive outlook helps. I will update my progress when I can.

On the career front, I am having a background check for a job I do not want to talk about yet. All in due time.

On the home front, Wifey is doing good. She can go in to labor any day at any moment. The excitement is building.

Enough for now. -joe

Sunday, January 18, 2004

A busy day.

Today, I worked on my own house, more painting, fixtures, etc. I also installed some tile in my neighbors house, man am I nice. Busy day. -joe

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Productive Day

My sister ( one of many) is trying to buy a house, well the house is nice but before the bank will finance it some problems needed to be fixed. So I spent the better part of my day to accomplish these minor but numerous feats. And I can say, all went well. I am happy with my work and pray that they get the house (it is only a couple of blocks from my home. Meanwhile on the home front so other family came over to my house and clean the hell out of it. I can't remember when EVERYTHING was clean at the same time. Yeah!! Truely a good and productive day. -Joe

Friday, January 16, 2004

A disappointing day...

Today was an all-around bad day. I got a written warning at work for messing up. I was told that I could not have the 2 weeks off for paternity that I requested, but will have to settle for 2 days. The weather outside was gray and rainy, not just any rain, but that cold rain the makes your bones shiver, brrr. I ended up burning my fingersat work several times, OUCH! But in the end, I am still alive, maybe a little stronger and wiser. I really want to go back to school this fall. All things come to those who wait... I hate wait. -Joe.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Our Final Birthing Class / Is School in my Future?

Tonight was the final of 7 birthing classes aka Lamaze so now we are as ready as we can be for the big event. I know I am ready at have everything done, literally, kids off to college and myself retired to a warm climate near a couple of golf courses, of course that may be 25 - 30 yrs down the road.

I am thinking of going back to school, maybe I want to be a Policeman, or a Firefighter/EMT, or a school Teacher, then maybe just a desk job. Who knows, it definitely appears that I don't. Well, we will see what happens. -joe

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Nice quiet evening...

This evening we simply ate some Wendy's at home and watched Bruce Almighty on DVD, a very funny movie that I highly recommend. It was a nice quiet (except for the laughter) and relaxing evening. Remember to take some quiet time, even if it isn't so personal. -joe

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Baby Update & Computer Install

Wifey is now 36 weeks and on weekly visits to the Doc. Progress is good, doc says baby is in correct position and that labor may start at anytime. Now, I am feeling nervous. I just pray that I can be the father I always pictured myself being.

Well this past evening went well, I installed a new machine for my sister, needless to say she was excited and everything went without a hitch, except I left my CD's at there place. -joe (nail biting expected father)

Monday, January 12, 2004

Breast Feeding Class

Well, to say the least I have never heard the word "Breast" used so much in such a short amount of time. However, I will say that it was nice not to have people in the back giggling every time it was said. Overall, I will give the class a C+. It was helpful but not life changing. I still don't feel pressured or anticipation in waiting for our new arrival. I guess I just want everything to work out. -1212

Sunday, January 11, 2004

My Intro...

I'm Joe, (aka 1212) aged 28 yrs, ...mmmm... just about right. I just want to say hi. I am a Kansas City KS native, I will soon be a father. I AM looking forward to the new arrival. Some of my goals are straight forward and others are... well... confusing. I want to loose some weight but I don't want to diet or give up my lust and consumption of chocolate. Anyblog, this is my first attempt at a blog, so we will see how it goes. I hope to talk about Computer ( both hardware and software), games ( both electronic and standard), as well as a plethora of other subjects that I may have a lot or maybe not lot of knowledge concerning. -joe (1212 from now on.)